Happy Valentine’s and/or Single Awareness Day! We interrupt this story for a special Valentine’s themed comic! This was a bit rushed but I’m glad I got it out when I was supposed to. This is kind of a Dime-Store Noir precedent since this is the very first comic page featuring gun violence  That’s kind a thing that it’s taken this long in a noir comic for a gun to show up. Well enjoy it, because you probably won’t see another one for awhile! Y’know, I’m not against gun violence in fiction, especially noir, but I would really like to not further add to the already bloated gun culture. And I’m sure there are some noir fans who will swear up and down that you need guns in noir but I am one of the people that thinks you can have good wholesome gun-free noirs! So whenever possible, I’m going to make some gun-free noirs. It’s easier than you’d think!

Anyways, enjoy the day with your loved one, or enjoy your alone times but either way, stay out of dark alleys! Next week we will return you to The Big Grief already in progress!